I’m not ‘powerless’ over alcohol, drugs or other addictive behavior. I can certainly use some help and I believe I can beat this problem like millions of other people have. Booze and other drugs don’t jump into my body, I choose to use them, so alternately, I can choose not to use and make it stick.
My substance use hurts me and others. I may feel good for a short time, but I suffer in the long run. It is like the ‘buy now, pay later’ plan of life.
Getting drunk or high is a way of indulging myself and trying to cope with stress, frustration, and anger. just not worth it!!
There are better ways of coping with life than intoxicating myself. Once I learn these ways, I will be willing to give up my addictive behavior permanently.
It makes sense to seek help to learn new approaches because whatever I’ve been doing hasn’t been working.
I can learn from others and enjoy their support without depending on the group for the rest of my life.
Once I have mastered the proven methods of self management, I can recover and graduate from the program and get on with my life.